"The Critical Engineer raises awareness that with each technological advance our techno-political literacy is challenged."
In this workshop Julian Oliver guides participants through an in depth study of computer networks as a medium for Art, Activism and Critical Engineering.
Using tools typical to system administration, hacking and data forensics, this hands-on intensive introduces techniques and strategies for manipulating networks and network traffic over both wired and wireless networks. Strategies for capturing, synthesising and outputting data for use in external software will also be introduced.
The UNIX command-line will be used extensively in this workshop, empowering participants to connect to, manipulate and automate computers over the Internet; from web-servers to the tiny 'system-on-a-chip' computers used in robots, drones and 'Internet of Things' appliances.
3-days Crash Course
Number of participants: 12 participants with inscription
Schedule: 10am - 6pm, from Thursday Nov. 27 to Saturday 29 (attendance is mandatory for the three days).
Venue: Sala Conservas, Barcelona
Main language: English
Price: early birds (before Nov. 15): 40 € / after Nov. 15: 50 €
The Network As Material workshop requires no prior knowledge of programming or computer networking. Curiosity, creativity, patience and mental agility are strongly encouraged however.
Sign up
Please send an email to talk @ theinfluencers. org with your name and a short motivation, explaining how this workshop relates to your interests and/or work.
A laptop with an Ethernet port is required. Those without an Ethernet port should bring a USB Ethernet adaptor. Working with Raspberry Pi computers, or better, BeagleBone Black (BBB) is not only possible but recommended.