The Influencers 2014

Non conventional art, communication guerrilla, radical entertainment
November 27-28-29, 2014
Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona
Lectures - screenings - workshops - action

For three intense days we will be discovering rebellious projects, inventions and adventures in the troubled waters where information society, everyday technology and fragments of collective imagination mix and clash into each other.

With the participation of

Julia Solis & John Law - Julian Oliver - David Horvitz
Gabriella Coleman - Olia Lialina - Center for PostNatural History
Bill Drummond

and some special events

The Best of oXcarsThe Lost Hour Challenge - Network as Material (workshop)

The Influencers 2014 - Trailer 1 from The Influencers festival on Vimeo.

Free admission

For more information please contact
talk @

Press office
premsa @