☛ Barcelona - October 22 2016, 5pm ☚

An Internet Yami-Ichi is a flea-market for Internet-ish things
It's free, fun, uncensored & with beer
and bring your Internet freedom with you!
Saturday October 22, 2016 - from 5pm to 7pm
somewhere @ CCCB

¡Call for vendors! ¿Want to show/sell something?

Vendors so far...
Massana.media ➥ Uncovering Ctrl ➥ Silvio Lorusso
➥ Cesar Escudero/Martín Nadal ➥ Joana Moll ➥ Roc Herms
➥ Jon Uriarte ➥ Widephoto ➥ 3d:c:0n3s d3l p8b:s
➥ Col·lectiu Booleans ➥ David Quiles Guilló ➥ Florian Freier
➥ Internet moon Gallery ➥ Link Dealer ➥ Irma мarco
➥ Daniel Canet ➥ Diego Paonessa ➥ Violeta Alonso
➥ Edén Pasies ➥ ministeriodecultura.org
… and more TBC
Where did it all begin?
¡Open this link!
...or keep reading
The first Internet Yami-Ichi was organized in Tokio in 2012 by an online secret society calledIDPWand since then it has travelled to over ten cities including Berlin, Moscow, and Seoul.
Live, free, straight from the back alleys of the Internet: data scuba divers, rodents looking for juicy optic fiber, speculative radicals and other post-digital traffickers.
Among the items sold at previous Yami-Ichis around the world you could find glitch-textured garments, a rehab for Internet-addicts, help services to send hate mail, obsolete user passwords, Edward Snowden's snow globes, apps refused by Apple, 10 likes packs (at 1€) or pieces of hard drive proceeding from a Google data center in Belgium...
Among the items sold at previous Yami-Ichis around the world you could find glitch-textured garments, a rehab for Internet-addicts, help services to send hate mail, obsolete user passwords, Edward Snowden's snow globes, apps refused by Apple, 10 likes packs (at 1€) or pieces of hard drive proceeding from a Google data center in Belgium...